GSS Topics
- Manufacturing of pipeline and tubular products with enhanced mechanical properties.
- Innovative material solutions for challenging environments such as sour services, corrosive services and high / low temperature conditions.
- Advanced welding and inspection solutions for tubular products.
- Industry standards outlook on manufacturing and product integrity.
- Steel market recovery and import dumping.
- Hydrostatic test level for pipes.
- Material Selection criteria (Mechanical Properties, Corrosion resistance and excellent weldability)
- Finite element analysis of In Situ Behavior - Material Model & Material Non-linearity.
- Design for Fatigue, Seismic Design of Steel Buildings, Design of Web-Tapered Members, Cold Form Steel Design, Welding design, Blast Resistant Design in Petrochemical facilities, Design of Mobile Buildings, Building Information Modeling (BIM) Techniques, Sustainability and Green Buildings etc.
- Material Traceability, Positive Material Identification techniques, Handling of Large Structures (Onshore / Oshore) during Fabrication and Shipping, Material defects, infrastructure defects etc.
- Industry Welding Processes, Welding metallurgy and defects, Inspection techniques and Repair methodologies etc.
- Steel Making Processes - Mills & Re-rolling mills, Advances in Steel manufacturing technology, Sheet Steel Manufacturing, Wire Rope Manufacturing etc.
- Corrosion Wastage in aged Structures.
- Material selection for Offshore Application.
- Artificial Intelligence and machine learning.
- Smart Factory.
- The Internet of Things (IoT)
- Robotics.
- Use of drone technology for inspection of areas that are difficult to reach.
- Advanced fully-automated BOF from charging to tapping.
- Dynamic real-time analysis and control of blast furnace process parameters using sonic, laser and radar visualization.
- Computer Aided Quality Control (CAQC) with 100% testing, inspection and storage of data.
- Operational research (Big Data analytics) of process data Real-time dynamic line scheduling and adjustment of process parameters with Artificial Intelligence (BIOMIMIC + Parallel Computing) in rolling and finishing.
- Fire in structures and Structural members.
- Material behavior at elevated temperature.
- Performance based design.
- Modeling - Simple calculation methods and simulations.
- Experimental studies.
- Fire Protection materials.
- Fire Engineering design codes.
- Fire Safety in Oil and Gas facilities.
- Fire Safety management.
- Firefighting systems and techniques in Oil and Gas steel facilities.
- Application of Nondestructive Testing technologies to ensure pipe and process equipment integrity.
- Development and Improvement in steel inspection programs.
- Role of Risk Based Inspection (RBI) in assuring integrity of pipes and steel structures.
- In service corrosion detection and fitness for service assessment.
- Steel market recovery and import dumping.
- Structural health monitoring of steel structures.
- New developments in codes, standards and best practices in steel integrity assurance.
- Design for inspect ability of steel pipes and structures.
- Possible CP interference on pipelines at congested corridors.
- Effects of high CP potential on coatings and steel pipe.
- Soil resistivity influence on CP adequacy.
- CP for on-shore pipelines
- Thermosets for pipeline corrosion Protection
- Cathodic protection of offshore structure
- Cathodic Protection Management System (CPMS Software)
- Coatings for aggressive service condition.
- Deep-sea coatings.
- High temperature coatings.
- Coating failure analysis.
- Advance inspection method for coating.
- Hydrogen-based Direct Reduction
- Electric Arc Furnaces (EAF)
- Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS)
- Biomass-based Reduction
- Electrolysis of Iron Ore
- Enhancing Energy Efficiency
- Recycling and Circular Economy
- Green Electricity and Renewable Integration
- Policy and Regulation
- Economic and Social Impact
- Advanced Materials and Coatings